Privacy Policy


We value the trust you place in us and recognize the importance of secure transactions and information privacy. This Privacy Policy describes how Limited and its affiliates (collectively “Maakview, we, our, us”) collect, use, share or otherwise process your personal information through Maakview website, its mobile application, and m-site (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”).

This Privacy Policy was written to help you better understand how we collect, use and store your information. Since technology and privacy laws are always changing, we may occasionally update this policy. If a significant change is made, we will be sure to post a notice on our home page and in the merchant admin. If you continue to use Maakview after these changes are posted, you agree to the revised policy.

While you may be able to browse certain sections of the Platform without registering with us, however, please note we do not offer any illegal product or service under this Platform . Your personal information will primarily be stored and processed in Bangladesh and may have data protection laws that are different from those that apply in the country in which you are located. By visiting this Platform, providing your information or availing out product/service, you expressly agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use and the applicable service/product terms and conditions, and agree to be governed by the laws of Bangladesh including but not limited to the laws applicable to data protection and privacy. If you do not agree please do not use or access our Platform.

Below are some of the ways in which we collect and store your information:

1. We will only keep your information for as long as we are either required to by law or as is relevant for the purposes for which it was collected.

2. We receive and store any information you enter on our website or give us in any other way. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, customizing future shopping for you, improving our stores, and communicating with you.

3. Privacy matters! If you are a merchant, you agree to post a privacy policy on your storefront that complies with the laws applicable to your business. You also agree to obtain consent from your customers for the use and access of their Personal Information by Maakview and other third parties.

What information do we collect from merchants and why?

  •  We collect your name, company name, address, email address, phone number(s) and credit card details.

  •  We need this information to provide you with our Services, for example, to confirm your identity, contact you, and invoice you.

  • We collect data about the Maakview-hosted webpages that you visit and how and when you access your account, including information about the device and browser you use, your network connection and your IP address.

  •  We need this information to give you access to and improve our Services.

  •  We collect Personal Information about your customers that you share with us or that customers provide while shopping or during checkout.

  • We use this information to provide you with our Services and so that you can process orders and better serve your customers.

  • We will also use Personal Information in other cases where you have given us your express permission.

4. We collect our merchants' customers' name, email, shipping and billing address, payment details, company name, phone number, IP address and device data. We need this information to provide merchants with our Services, including supporting and processing orders, authentication, and processing payments. This information is also used to improve our Services.

5. When signing up via Facebook, we collect your Name and Email (provided by Facebook) as part of your Maakview account Information.

 What information do we collect from Partners and why?

  • We collect your name, company name, website, twitter or other social media handles, phone number(s), address, business type, and email address.

  • We use this information to work with you, confirm your identity, contact you, and pay you.

  • We collect data about the Maakview -hosted webpages that you visit and how and when you access your account, including information about the device and browser you use, your network connection and your IP address.

  • We use this information to give you access to and improve our Services.

  • We collect Personal Information about your customers that you share with us or that they provide to us directly.

  • We use this information to work with you and to provide our Services to your customers.

  • We will also use Personal Information in other cases where you have given us express permission.

6. We also store certain types of information whenever you interact with us. For example, like many websites, we use "cookies," and we obtain certain types of information when your web browser accesses or advertisements and other content served by or on behalf of on other websites.

7. We do not and will never share, disclose, sell, rent, or otherwise provide Personal Information to other companies for the marketing of their own products or services.

8. We do not use the Personal Information we collect from you or your customers to contact or market to your customers or directly compete with you. However, Maakview may contact or market to your customers if we obtain their information from another source, such as from the customers themselves.

You retain all rights to your Personal Information and can access it anytime. In addition, Maakview takes reasonable steps to allow you to correct, amend or delete personal information that is shown to be inaccurate or incomplete.

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