Warranty Policy

Warranty Policy

Warranty/Returns is a Process provided by respective sellers directly under this policy in terms of which the option of exchange, Warranty, replacement and/ or refund is offered by the respective sellers to you. All products listed under a particular category may not have the same returns, Warranty policy. For all products, the returns/replacement/warranty policy provided on the product page shall prevail over the general returns policy. Do refer the respective item's applicable return/replacement policy on the product page for any exceptions to this returns policy and the table below.

Do read all sections carefully to understand the conditions and cases under which returns will be accepted.

Ø  All products do not come with a warranty. Warranty is only valid for products that purchased with a warranty for a given period of time, mentioned in the bill or invoice issued by Maak.

Ø  Under the warranty policy, Maak will, at its discretion, repair any defective product within the warranty period.

Ø  Mobile – Apple & Google phones,Electronics - Apple / Beats, Google, Realme, Samsung, JBL & Infinity, Epson, HP, Dell, Canon & MI Products (Tablets,Laptops, Smart Watches)

Ø  ***For all functionality related issues, do contact the brand authorized service centre directly.

Ø  For products where installation is provided by Maak's service partners, do not open the product packaging by yourself. Maak authorised personnel shall help in unboxing and installation of the product.

Ø  If a customer is buying the products from our shops, then please make sure to check the products in front of our sellers. Later, if any problems occurs than the customer will not be entitled to any changes but will be given services based on the products provided description. (Warranty)

Ø  In the case of ordering online, after receiving the product, if any manufacturing issues or problems are noticed or discovered than customer has to inform us within 24 hours via our hotline service.

Ø  We cannot specifically mention how much time is required to complete the repair for the product taken under warranty. It can take 4/5 days or may take more than 45 days to complete the repairing process. The reason is we may have to import the required components.

Ø  If a customer is buying any product from our website after reading the description and provided information’s about the particular product and is received successfully without any faults and later if the product is not compatible with your setup or if you do not want it anymore, then you will not be allowed to change or return the product.

Ø  We can't say specifically how many times you have to claim the warranty for a product within its warranty period.

Ø  In certain cases where the seller is unable to process a replacement for any reason whatsoever, a refund will be given.

Ø  For Furniture, any product-related issues will be checked by authorized service personnel (With Transport Cost ) and attempted to be resolved by replacing the faulty/ defective part of the product. Full replacement will be provided only in cases where the service personnel opines that replacing the faulty/defective part will not resolve the issue.

Ø  In case of an irreparable product, it will be replaced by another product of the same model.

Ø  After purchasing a software/software license, return or refund won't be applicable

Ø  If customers found broken or packet damaged product then we are requesting not to receive the product from courier service. If the customer receives courier damaged product then he/she have to take his/her own liability and any kind of complaint won't be acceptable.

Ø  If the serial/sticker of the product is partially or completely removed or damaged, it will no longer be able to claim warranty.


In case the product was not delivered and you received a delivery confirmation email/SMS, report the issue within 7 days from the date of delivery confirmation for the seller to investigate.'

For any opinion or complaint related to warranty, write us at: support@maakview.com


ওয়ারেন্টি/রিটার্ন হল এই নীতির অধীনে সরাসরি সংশ্লিষ্ট বিক্রেতাদের দ্বারা প্রদত্ত একটি প্রক্রিয়া যার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে বিনিময়, ওয়্যারেন্টি, প্রতিস্থাপন এবং/অথবা ফেরতের বিকল্প সংশ্লিষ্ট বিক্রেতারা আপনাকে অফার করে। একটি নির্দিষ্ট বিভাগের অধীনে তালিকাভুক্ত সমস্ত পণ্য একই রিটার্ন, ওয়ারেন্টি নীতি নাও থাকতে পারে। সমস্ত পণ্যের জন্য, পণ্য পৃষ্ঠায় প্রদত্ত রিটার্ন/প্রতিস্থাপন/ওয়ারেন্টি নীতি সাধারণ রিটার্ন নীতির উপর প্রাধান্য পাবে। এই রিটার্ন নীতি এবং নীচের সারণীতে কোনো ব্যতিক্রমের জন্য পণ্য পৃষ্ঠায় সংশ্লিষ্ট আইটেমের প্রযোজ্য রিটার্ন/প্রতিস্থাপন নীতি উল্লেখ করুন।



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