Return Policy

 Return Policy

Returns are a scheme provided by respective sellers directly under this policy in terms of which the option of exchange, replacement and/ or refund is offered by the respective sellers to you. All products listed under a particular category may not have the same returns policy. For all products, the returns/replacement policy provided on the product page shall prevail over the general returns policy. Do refer the respective item's applicable return/replacement policy on the product page for any exceptions to this returns policy and the table below

The return policy is divided into different parts; Do read all sections carefully to understand the conditions and cases under which returns will be accepted.

Policy & Condition 

  •  1. If your product is damaged, defective, incorrect or incomplete at the time of delivery, please Send a  Return request by email With Documents. Return request must be raised within 7 days for Maakview Items, or within 3 days for  non- Maakview items from the date of delivery.

  • 2. All Mobiles (except Apple & Google phones), Canon, MI Products (Tablets, Laptops, Smart Watches) ,Electronics - (except Apple / Beats, Google, Realme, Samsung, JBL& Infinity, Epson, HP, Dell,Canon, MI Products  (Tablets, Laptops, Smart Watches)

  •    All Small Home Appliances (Except Chimney, Water Purifier, Fan, Geyser)

  •     In order to help you resolve issues with your product, we may troubleshoot your product either through online tools, over the phone, and/or through an in-person technical visit. If a defect is determined within the Returns     Window,     a  replacement of the same model will be  Provided at no additional cost. If no defect is confirmed or the issue is not diagnosed within 7 days of Delivery, you will be directed to a brand service centre to resolve any subsequent issues.   In any case, only one replacement shall be provided.

  • 3. For electronic appliances & mobile phones related issues after usage or after the return policy  Period, please check if the product is covered under seller warranty or brand warranty. For more Information on warranty claims, please view our Seller Warranty Policy.

  • 4. The product must be unused, unworn, unwashed and without any flaws. For fashion products, Products may be tried on to see if the item fits. This will still be considered as unworn.

  •  5. The product must include the original tags, user manuals, warranty cards, freebies, invoice and Accessories.

  •  6. We don't provide any cash for the return of the product,product can be replaced if it follow the return policy.

  •  7. Return policy will be valid if product is beeing check at the time of delivery (Box opening)  and found the product damage and collect enough evidence by the customer like photo/video of the damage product.Customer have to inform to the Maakview immediate with those evidence.

  • *** The product (including SIM trays/ charging port/ headphone port, back-panel etc.) should be  undamaged and without any scratches, dents, tears or holes. It is important to indicate the Order Number and Return Tracking Number on your return package to avoid any inconvenience/delay in your return process.

  • NOTE: The field executive will refuse to accept the return if any of the above conditions are not met. For any products for which a refund is to be given, the refund will be processed once the returned product has been received by the seller. If your returned item does not meet the above requirements, we reserve the right to reject any request for a refund. Item will be sent to scrap after three (2) failed delivery attempts and no refund will be given.

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